Friday, 31 July 2015

Announcements 1/8/2015

Holy Hour – Theme “I am the Living Bread that came down from Heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
John 6:51”
Date: 6th August 2015
Time: 7:30p.m followed by Mass

 St Henry’s Choir
St Henry Church hopes to form a choir.
Angela Yang from Sacred Heart Cathedral, JB will be here to conduct the first session on the 20th August 2015 (Thursday), from 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m.
Please do come forward and make St. Henry’s choir a reality.
Contact person: Mary Fernandez.

 “Managing Disharmony in the Family”
Bro. Collin Wee, a La Salle Brother, will be directing a day session with the theme “Managing Disharmony in the Family” on September 13, 2015 (Sun) at Pastoral Institute (P.I), Majodi Centre. Payment is at RM40.00 per person with one tea and lunch. For further details of the session please refer to the poster attached. The registration forms are available in the church office. For further information please call Francis Soh (07-3871121/ 012-7540037), Cecilia Quek (016-7829651) & Josephine Fernandez (019-7255454).

Retreats at Maranatha Retreat House, Janda Baik.
Aug 6-9 ( 3 nights )   Preached Retreat – From the Head to the Heart
Retreat Companian : Fr. Peter McIsaac, SJ
 Register with Margaret 017-6686429 (SMS during the day)
For more information, please check out our website:

Dear friends ,
This weekend is a great opportunity for us to ask ourselves how much do we work and strive to receive Jesus in the Eucharist ; The greatest gift in the universe. Do I HUNGER for Jesus in the Eucharist? Do I spend quiet time with Jesus in loving adoration before the tabernacle? Do I make sacrifices or " work" to overcome obstacles so that I can receive HIM worthily not just on Sundays and holy days of obligation , but during Daily Mass?
Friends, in the words of St John Vianney:
" if we have faith, we will see Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament like the Angels see Him in heaven . HE is there. HE awaits us ! "
God bless you.
Fr Lionel

Bulletin 1st August 2015

Mass Times and Offerings
Sat, 1 August 2015
Ex 16: 2-4. 12-15/ Ps 77: 3 and 4bc. 23-24. 25. 54 / Eph 4: 17. 20-24/ Jn 6: 24-35
No Mass in Yong Peng
5:30 p.m – Novena
6:00 p.m - 18th  Sunday of Ordinary (Bilingual Mass)
Spt: Uncle Francis Sta Maria,Albert, Magdelene & fly,Anna Koh, Betty, Marlene, Terence, Teresa Kwok, Amy,Jena, Irene, John Monica,Teresa (S’pore parishioners); Ms Angela Yip; Senior citizens from Katong, S’pore
+: Veronica Yong (Annie Yu); Antony Pious (Sophia Pious); souls in purgatory, Magdalene Lange (Angie & Allan Lange); Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly)
Sun, 2 August, 2015
Ex 16: 2-4. 12-15/ Ps 77: 3 and 4bc. 23-24. 25. 54 / Eph 4: 17. 20-24/ Jn 6: 24-35
No Mass

Mon, 3 August, 2015
Nm 11: 4b-15/ Ps 80: 12-13. 14-15. 16-17/ Mt 14:13-21
No Mass

Tues, 4 August, 2015
Nm 12: 1-13/ Ps 50: 3-4. 5-6a. 6bc-7. 12-13/ Mt 14: 22-36 or Mt 15: 1-2. 10-14
7:00 a.m-Saint John Mary Vianney, Priest
Spt: Senior citizens from Katong, S’pore
+: Liew Siew Eng (Theresa Yong); Veronica Yong (Annie Yu); souls in purgatory, Magdalene Lange (Angie & Allan Lange); David Wong, Rose Wong, Fr Noel Chin (S’pore parishioners); Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly)
Wed, 5 August, 2015
Nm 13: 1-2. 25 -– 14: 1. 26-30. 34-35/ Ps 105: 6-7a. 13-14. 21-22. 23/ Mt 15:21-28
 7:00 a.m - Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major
+:Veronica Yong (J.M.Chan); Liew Siew Eng (Theresa Yong); souls in purgatory, Magdalene Lange (Angie & Allan Lange)
Thurs, 6 August, 2015
Dn 7: 9-10. 13-14 or 2 Pt 1:16-19/ Ps 96: 1-2. 5-6. 9/ Mk 9: 2-10
7:30 p.m- The Transfiguration of the Lord Feast
Holy Hour followed by Mass
+:Veronica Yong (Shirley); souls in purgatory, Magdalene Lange (Angie & Allan Lange); David Wong, Rose Wong, Fr Noel Chin (S’pore parishioners)
Fri, 7 August, 2015
Dt 4: 32-40/ Ps 77: 12-13. 14-15. 16 and 21/ Mt 16: 24-28
1 Kgs 19: 4-8/ Ps 34: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 (9a)/ Eph 4: 30 – 5: 2/ Jn 6: 41-51
7:00 a.m- Saints Sixtus II, Pope, and his Companions, Martyrs or Saint Cajetan, Priest
8:00p.m- Rosary
8:30p.m- 19th Sunday of Ordinary (Mandarin Mass)
Spt: Mary Wong
+: Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly); Joseph Rajathurai, Veronica Yong (Christina & George Teo); Stephen Baskaran (Agnes Praga & fly); souls in purgatory, Magdalene Lange (Angie & Allan Lange)
Sat, 8 August 2015
1 Kgs 19: 4-8/ Ps 34: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 (9a)/ Eph 4: 30 – 5: 2/ Jn 6: 41-51
8:00 a.m - Mass in Yong Peng
5:30 p.m – Novena
6:00 p.m - 19th  Sunday of Ordinary (English Mass)

Friday, 24 July 2015


The Divine Mercy Ministry (DMM)
Every Monday 7:30p.m at the main church.  All are welcome to pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Celebration of Rev.Fr. Benedict Yee 75th Birthday
Rev. Fr Benedict Yee will be celebrating his 75th Birthday on 30/8/2015.  Thanksgiving Mass will be held at Church of The Immaculate Conception at 5:00p.m followed by dinner at Grand Straits Garden at 7:00p.m.  Kindly get your tickets from the parish office at RM60.00 each.

Legion Of Mary Prayer / Meeting  (English)
Date: 28th July 2015
Time: 8:00pm 
Venue: Gisela cottage 
Chinese Apostolate Meeting
Date: 28th July 2015
Venue: Conference room
Parish Office (working hours)
27th & 28th July 2015 – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m
1st August 2015 – close

“Managing Disharmony in the Family”
Bro. Collin Wee, a La Salle Brother, will be directing a day session with the theme “Managing Disharmony in the Family” on September 13, 2015 (Sun) at Pastoral Institute (P.I), Majodi Centre. Payment is at RM40.00 per person with one tea and lunch. For further details of the session please refer to the poster attached. The registration forms are available in the church office. For further information please call Francis Soh (07-3871121/ 012-7540037), Cecilia Quek (016-7829651) & Josephine Fernandez (019-7255454).

Retreats at Maranatha Retreat House, Janda Baik.
Aug 6-9 ( 3 nights )   Preached Retreat – From the Head to the Heart
Retreat Companian : Fr. Peter McIsaac, SJ
 Register with Margaret 017-6686429 (SMS during the day)
For more information, please check out our website:

Dear Friends,
Part of our Christian Vocation/ calling in Life is to grow in love and unity. How we struggle and overcome our differences within the Church is a witness to the world. The virtues necessary to achieve unity are :
Humility , gentleness , patience and bearing with each other in love. Jesus fed everyone equally . What He has to give exists in abundance. Are you wiling and ready to be fed by Jesus? HE is waiting ...
Fr Lionel