Monday, 15 October 2012

Things Take Time

I believe one of the temptation in one’s spiritual journey is to do too much too soon. One can think of a great act of charity as something that arises naturally without one’s act of will; or that great act of charity was formed over the years in little bits and pieces.

Many thinks that the “Yes” of Mary to God arose spontaneously but the truth is far from it. She was an “anawin” meaning a “poor of Israel.” The “anawin” were people who lived in absolute trust and dependence on God. This was a great virtue. Mary’s “yes” was actually hundreds of years, a choice in the way of life that was hundreds of years in the making. It begin with those who returned from the exile. After the Southern Kingdom of Israel fell, the Assyrian army took the elite of Israel to their homeland.

It can be a problem if one cannot see themselves as work in progress or still in the making. They want to do too much too soon and then become disillusioned when they fail. To these people I say be gentle on yourself. Things take time and that is the truth. A forest begins with a tree and a rainstorm is made up with droplets.

This is true for those of us who wishes to make progress in our spiritual journey. It is not reading the whole bible but understanding them. It is not only understanding them but interiorising them. It is not only interiorising them but applying them. 

When we slow down, we see better. We understand better. That is a fact.

For example, many gives a cursory glance to the blog I posted recently, “Letter to the Poet.” Yet there is much depth that a cursory reading does not do justice.

For example, those who say, “Life is boring” or this and that is lacking could be referring to themselves. The value we perceive in things comes from within ourselves. Thus he writes, “…  If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no poverty and no poor, indifferent place.”

Or what he means when he says, “…where the noise of other people passes by, far in the distance.” Where is this place that one can be that he or she observes from a distance? Can you tell me? 

Be patient on your spiritual journey. Pace yourselves. It is a journey that takes as long as you have to live. For today, have a great day.

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