Friday, 22 May 2015

Announcement 24/3/15

Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of The Gospel)
Fr. Moses Rayappan will give a sharing on the document by Pope Francis; Evangelii Gaudium ( The Joy of The Gospel). We would like to invite all parishioners to please attend this talk by Fr. Moses Rayappam,a very animated and gifted speaker.
Date: 28/5/2015
Time: 8:00p.m
Venue: St Henry’s Hall conference room, 1st floor.

Legion Of Mary Prayer / Meeting  
Date: 26th May  2015
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: Conference room

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Date: 27th May 2015
Time: 8:00p.m
Venue: Conference room

Formation for Catechists and RCIA facilitators on"Person of the Catechist"
Date:  3rd - 5th July 2015
Venue: Canossian Oasis, Kluang. 
Fee: RM75.00 per person (non-stay)
Registration forms are available at the parish office.

BEC Gathering—Theme : “Gathered in Unity”
Soga/ B.Jaya/Bahagia/Tanjong/ Evergreen Heights
Date:25th May 2015 (Monday)
Time :7:30p.m
Venue: Residence of Augustine & Anna Lee (5,Jln Teluk 7, Tmn Tanjung)

BEC Formation in English
Theme: “Disciples Transform for Mission”
Date & Day : 13th June 2015, Sunday
Time : 10:00am to 5:00p.m
Venue: St. Louis Church, Kluang
Fee: RM10.00
Contact Person: Wence (012-7267538) or
Francis Ong (012-6178681)
The Catholic Priest
No one wants to be a priest because …If he begins Mass on time, his watch is fast; If he begins a minute later, he keeps people waiting. If he preaches too long, he makes people get bored; If his homily is too short, he is unprepared. If his voice is strong when preaching, he is shouting; If his voice is normal, people do not understand what he is preaching about; If he goes to visit families, he is always out: If he does not, he does not care for them. If he asks for donations, he is a money-face; If he does not do it, he is too proud and lazy. If he takes time in the confessional, he is too slow; If he makes it too fast, he has no time for his penitents. If he renovates the church, he throws away money; If he does not do it, he allows everything to rot away. If he is with the youth, he forgets the old. If he warms up to old aunties, he must be missing his mummy. If he keeps distance from all of them, he has a heart of stone. If he is young, he has no experience; If  he is old, he should retire. As long as he lives, there are always people who are better than him; BUT IF THE PRIEST DIES....THERE IS NOBODY TO TAKE HIS PLACE! Because no one wants to be a priest!!!

Dear Friends,
Pentecost gives us these two things: BREATH and FIRE. The Holy Spirit takes its name from the word spiration, meaning breathing out. We might say that the Holy Spirit is the very BREATH of God.
FIRE is a gift of knowledge. The symbol of the Law of God. And Fire also purifies the heart and burns away the impurities of the mind and warms the heart of those whose faith has become cold. Are you aware that the Breath of God is in you? Are you growing in holiness and obedience to the Lord? Is the fire in you burning brightly or slowly dying away?
Fr. Lionel Thomas

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