Friday, 29 May 2015

Bulletin 30th June 2015

Mass Times and Offerings
Fri, 29 May, 2015
Sir 44: 1. 9-13/ Ps 149: 1-6a and 9b/ Mk 11: 11-25
Dt 4: 32-34. 39-40/ Ps 32: 4-6. 9. 18- 20. 22 /Rom 8: 14-17/ Mt 28: 16-20.
8:00p.m- Rosary
8:30p.m – The Most Blessed Trinity Sunday (Mandarin)
+: Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly) ; Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling); R.P Tambyah (Sandra Payson); For aborted Children & Mother (Pauline)
Sat, 30 May, 2015
Dt 4: 32-34. 39-40/ Ps 32: 4-6. 9. 18- 20. 22 /Rom 8: 14-17/ Mt 28: 16-20.
8:00a.m Mass in Yong Peng
5:30 p.m Novena
6:00 p.m – The Most Blessed Trinity Sunday (English)
Spt:Grace Sia
Thk:Goh Ann Gee & fly
+: ; Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling); Regina E. Joseph (Joseph Family); Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly);William Tan Poh Beng (Steven Tan & fly); Stanley Pious & Anthony Pious (Pious Fly)
Sun, 31 May, 2015
Dt 4: 32-34. 39-40/ Ps 32: 4-6. 9. 18- 20. 22 /Rom 8: 14-17/ Mt 28: 16-20.
No Mass

Mon, 1 June , 2015
Tb 1: 3; 2: 1b-8/ Ps 111: 1-6/ Mk 12: 1-12
No Mass- St Justin,M

Tues,2 June, 2015
Tb 2: 9-14/ Ps 111: 1-2. 7-9/ Mk 12: 13-17
7:00a.m - Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
Thk: Gloria
+:; Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling); Siva Pathasundram (Boey Yut Leng) Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly) ; John Teo, Anna Yap & Anthony Teo(George Teo & fly);Jenny Chong (Theresa Yong);
Wed, 3 June, 2015
Tb 3: 1-11a. 16-17a/ Ps 24: 2-3. 4-5ab. 6 and 7bc. 8-9/ Mk 12: 18-27
7:00a.m- Saints Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs
+: Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling); Siva Pathasundram (Theresa Yong)
Thurs, 4 June, 2015
Tb 6: 10-11; 7: 1. 9-17; 8: 4-9a/ Ps127:1-5/Mk 12: 28b-34
+: ; Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling)
Fri, 5 June, 2015
Tb 11: 5-17/ Ps 145: 1-2. 6c-7. 8-9a. 9bc-10/ Mk 12: 35-37
Ex 24: 3-8/ Ps 115: 12-13. 15and 16bc. 17-18/ Heb 9: 11-15/ Mk 14: 12-16. 22-26
7:00a.m- Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr
8:30p.m –Corpus Christi (Mandarin)
Spt: Mary Wong
+: Joseph Tok Ban Huat(Philip Tok & fly); Alphonsus Huan (Huan Peck Ling)
Sat, 6 June, 2015
Ex 24: 3-8/ Ps 115: 12-13. 15and 16bc. 17-18/ Heb 9: 11-15/ Mk 14: 12-16. 22-26
8:00a.m Mass in Yong Peng
5:30 p.m Novena
6:00 p.m – Holy hour
7:00p.m-  Corpus Christi (English)

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